How to Ride a Loot Shark in Fortnite

After a long wait, Epic Games finally released the Season 3 of Fortnite Chapter 2. Most of the area of the Fortnite world is submerged in water. This is due to a collaboration between Epic Games and DC Comics. Thus, Season 3 of Fortnite is inspired by a popular DC character and his story; Aquaman. Apart from that the game now offers a new map, new game modes and various new features.

Moreover, several new activities have been added to the Fortnite, and some of them are extremely weird but fun to do. One of them is to ride a shark; the activity is quite simple to accomplish and is pretty fun to do. Below we have provided a proper workaround to help the gamers to ride a loot Shark in Fortnite. Although the whole process is quite simple to accomplish, its process is pretty complicated, so we advise being aware while reading it.

Riding a Loot Shark in Fortnite

The first thing that gamers need to know is that the following process will not only provide them fun, but it will also accomplish one of the challenges from the 1st weekly challenges; to deal damage to loot Sharks. Thus, when the gamers ride over the loot Shark, then automatically the challenge will be completed. So, to initiate this process, gamers first need to find a fishing rod and locating it inside Chests near the water is advisable.

Once the players have successfully found the Fishing rod, then they need to jump in the water and swim to a decent harbour where Sharks are easily found. Once gamers have found an ideal harbour, then they are required to swim towards it. After this, the players have to find the Sharks; once they have successfully located the Shark, then they need to throw the catching hook of the fishing rod towards them. Gamers need to keep on throwing the hook until it gets attached to anyone, the Shark, once it is successfully attached, then the gamers need to hold it tightly as their ride is about to start in a few seconds.

Once the Shark begins moving, the players will start riding over the water surface through the pull of Shark. Gamers need to gain proper control over this ride because sometimes Shark will try to Overspeed in an attempt to drop the players. However, once the gamers have successfully gained control over the speed and directions of the Sharks, then they can utilize this ride to roam everywhere in the world of Fortnite.


The primary motive of this article is to help gamers. In this article, we have provided information about Season 3 of Fortnite in which we have mainly focused upon one of its new aspects; to ride the loot shark. This aspect is considered as the new travelling medium of Fortnite of Meowscles aka players. We have provided a proper guide that will help the players to know how to ride loot shark in Fortnite Season 3. We hope that gamers will easily learn this activity and will surely find this article useful for them.

The gamers who haven’t tried Season 3 of Fortnite should start playing it on Xbox OnePS4Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Mia Watson is an avid technical blogger, a magazine contributor, a publisher of guides at Blogs Book, and a professional cyber security analyst. Through her writing, she aims to educate people about the dangers and threats lurking in the digital world.



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